Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence: What is it and how is it used?

Artificial intelligence (UI) is a branch of computing that deals with the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. UI encompasses various techniques and algorithms for understanding, learning, reasoning, deciding, planning and solving problems.

Types of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence can be classified according to different criteria, such as:

  • Purpose: Artificial intelligence can be divided into general and specific. A general UI is capable of performing any task that a human can perform, while a specific UI is limited to a specific domain or problem.
  • Consciousness: Artificial intelligence can be divided into conscious and unconscious. Conscious UI is capable of understanding itself and its environment, while unconscious UI is only capable of executing given instructions.
  • Approach: Artificial intelligence can be divided into symbolic and supporting. Symbolic UI relies on logic and rules to represent and manipulate knowledge, while Supportive UI relies on statistics and probability to learn from data and experience.

It is also very important to mention these three very important types of AI :Generative, Autonomous and AGI artificial intelligence

  • Generative: Can create new content, text, images
  • Autonomous Analytics: Enters and adapts to the environment
  • AGI General artificial intelligence that can reach or surpass human intelligence

Applications of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence has numerous applications in various fields, such as:

  • Internet search: Artificial intelligence is used to provide relevant search results, personalized recommendations, image and voice recognition, machine translation and other services.
  • Computer games: Artificial intelligence is used to create realistic and challenging opponents, generate dynamic and interactive environments, adjust game difficulty and content, and other functions.
  • Robotics: Artificial intelligence is used to enable robots to perceive, navigate, communicate and manipulate their environment, as well as to learn and adapt to new situations.
  • Medicine: Artificial intelligence is used to support medical diagnosis, therapy, prevention, research, education and management.
  • Finance: Artificial intelligence is used to analyze and predict market trends, portfolio optimization, fraud detection, trading automation and other services.
  • Education: Artificial intelligence is used to provide personalized and adaptive learning, assessment, feedback, tutoring, mentoring and other services.

Challenges and ethics of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence brings many advantages, but also many challenges and dilemmas, such as:

  • Security: How to ensure that artificial intelligence is not misused, hacked, damaged or malicious?
  • Liability: How to determine who is responsible for damage or error caused by artificial intelligence?
  • Privacy: How to protect personal and sensitive data that is used or generated by artificial intelligence?
  • Fairness: How to prevent artificial intelligence from being biased, discriminatory or unequal?
  • Transparency: How to ensure that artificial intelligence is understandable, explainable and reliable?
  • Participation: How to ensure that artificial intelligence is inclusive, participatory and democratic?
  • Impact: How to assess and mitigate the impact of artificial intelligence on people, society and the environment?


Artificial intelligence is a fascinating and important field of computing, which has great potential to improve people’s lives and solve problems. However, artificial intelligence also has major challenges and dilemmas, which require attention, understanding and regulation.