NFT is an abbreviation for non-fungible token, which means irreplaceable token. It is a unique digital record that is stored on the blockchain network. An NFT can represent any digital content, such as an image, video, music, text or domain. An NFT is unique and cannot be exchanged for another NFT of the same value, just as money or cryptocurrency can be exchanged. An NFT is actually a digital certificate or license that proves the authenticity and ownership of a digital work.

NFT is important because it allows digital content creators to protect their rights and make money from their works. NFTs also allow customers to own unique digital items that may have cultural, artistic or sentimental value. NFT is a market that has grown rapidly and attracted many investors, collectors and digital art lovers. NFT is also an innovation that can change the way we perceive and consume digital content in the future.

How to buy or sell NFT?

To buy or sell NFTs, you need to have a digital wallet that supports the cryptocurrency Ethereum, Arbitrum and many others and is compatible with a specific blockchain. You also need to have enough ETH, ARB, BNB… to cover the transaction costs and the eventual price of the NFT. Then you need to find a platform or market where NFTs are sold or bought. There are different platforms that specialize in different types of NFTs, such as art, music, sports, games or collectibles. Some of the most famous platforms are OpenSea, Rarible, Super Rare…

To sell an NFT, you need to first create or upload it to the platform. Then you need to determine the price and method of sale. You can choose a fixed price, auction or bid and ask. You also need to determine the commission you will receive from each future sale of your NFT. This is called a royalty and is usually between 5% and 10%. When someone buys your NFT, the money will be transferred to your wallet and the NFT to the buyer’s wallet. You will also pay a fee for the transaction, which is called a gas fee and depends on the load and the type of network.

To buy an NFT, you need to find one that you like and that is available for purchase. Then you need to offer a price that is equal to or higher than the asking price or participate in an auction or negotiation. Once you agree on the price, you need to confirm the transaction and pay for it from your wallet. You will also pay a gas fee. When the transaction is done, the NFT will be transferred to your wallet and you will become its owner. You can keep it, show it, use it or resell it as you wish.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of NFTs?

NFT has many advantages, but also some disadvantages. Some of them are:

  • Advantages:
  • NFT allows creators to retain control over their works and to sell them directly to the public without intermediaries or publishers.
  • NFT allows customers to own unique and rare digital items that can have great value and meaning.
  • NFT enables transparency and security of transactions, because everything is recorded on the blockchain, which is immutable and decentralized.
  • NFT enables innovation and creativity in the digital space, as it encourages new forms of expression and interaction.
  • Disadvantages:
  • NFT can be unrealistically expensive and unstable
  • NFT can be unpredictable and risky, because there is no guarantee that any NFT will maintain or increase its value or popularity.
  • NFT can be unclear and unregulated, because there are no clear rules and standards that regulate the rights and responsibilities of creators, customers and platforms. Conclusion NFT is an  exciting phenomenon that is changing the way we create, buy and sell digital content. NFT has many potentials, but also challenges. If you are interested in NFT, you should be informed, cautious and ready for adventure. NFT is a world full of opportunities, but also dangers. Be smart and have fun!
